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The Blair Book Project

Hello! I'm Janus. I am a 3D Graphics Artist by profession, and a proud Book Addict - i mean Enthusiast, and Blogger. I'm very much into Young Adult and Fantasy genre but I open myself to reading other genres from time to time. I run a blog launched as The Blair Book Project on Blogger, where I post entries such as my book reviews and other book related articles. I obviously got the name of this blog for the movie "The Blair Witch Project," why the name you may ask? I have no idea! I just thought it had a good ring to it. Ha! Ha! I post reviews twice a week and I regularly participate in book memes and features that readers and blogger all over the globe share their book interests (i.e. In My Malibox, Top Ten Tuesdays, etc). I have 230 GFC Followers. My blog has over 37,000 pageviews history and have roughly 200 page views per day. I have written over 267 reviews since my span of blogging. I am also an avid Instagram user, with over 350 followers, where I post pictures mostly of books I'm currently reading, books I got for review, galleys, purchased from bookstores, etc. (Statistics as of March 2013). My book reviews are not exactly "reviews" in a sense because I simply just type down what I feel about the book. What I write is solely my opinion and should not be taken as a definite basis of how the book is to be judged entirely. We all have different likes and dislikes so please do understand that although I'm very optimistic about the books I read, there will be negative comments towards those that I don't find suiting for my taste. BLOG URL: http://theblairbookproject.blogspot.com/ GOODREADS ACCOUNT: http://goodreads.com/janusvielle AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/AFAGLA0UYBOMH?ie=UTF8&ref_=ya_56 INSTAGRAM: @janusvielle

Currently reading

Uncommon Criminals
Ally Carter
Dance of Shadows
Yelena Black
Amanda Sun
This Shattered World - Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner
“Maybe we wouldn’t even like each other if we weren’t fighting for our lives every second of every day.”

I think majority of those who’ve been anticipating This Shattered World were readers who have been hooked over Tarver and Lilac’s story in These Broken Stars, hoping to see more of these two lovable characters take on a new adventure. Boy, were we all crushed to find out that there are new sets of characters taking hold of the second book!

But that feeling of disappointment was short-lived. Once readers have gotten to know Jubilee and Flynn, you get to fall in love with them just as well. True, they’re not Tarver and Lilac, but they come off just as memorable and worth rooting for all the same.

Now, like me, you probably felt cheated that Tarver and Lilac aren’t our main heroes in this book. Do not fret! Tarver makes a very significant appearance, Lilac as well, although a rather shorter one.

The big difference with These Broken Stars and This Shattered World would probably be their story’s direction. With These Broken Stars, I was so engrossed with the love story of Tarver and Lilac, while This Shattered World made me focus on the world and mystery encased within. Sure there are sweet moments for Jubilee and Flynn but their love story did take a bit of a step back.

While These Broken Stars made me feel mostly giddy and swoony, This Shattered World offered a more action-packed, heart-stopping story that I think would make any fan of the first book find it satisfying and enjoyable. You’ll find this book as compelling and just as original as the first.

I’m really eager to see where the Starbound trilogy’s story would go to next. The plot’s progression is precisely laid out in a way that eases readers into it in a steady and comprehensible approach. Book three could not come any sooner!

*Thank you, Disney-Hyperion and Netgalley for granting my request to view This Shattered World

For more of my reviews, please visit my blog:
The Blair Book Project @ www.theblairbookproject.blogspot.com