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The Blair Book Project

Hello! I'm Janus. I am a 3D Graphics Artist by profession, and a proud Book Addict - i mean Enthusiast, and Blogger. I'm very much into Young Adult and Fantasy genre but I open myself to reading other genres from time to time. I run a blog launched as The Blair Book Project on Blogger, where I post entries such as my book reviews and other book related articles. I obviously got the name of this blog for the movie "The Blair Witch Project," why the name you may ask? I have no idea! I just thought it had a good ring to it. Ha! Ha! I post reviews twice a week and I regularly participate in book memes and features that readers and blogger all over the globe share their book interests (i.e. In My Malibox, Top Ten Tuesdays, etc). I have 230 GFC Followers. My blog has over 37,000 pageviews history and have roughly 200 page views per day. I have written over 267 reviews since my span of blogging. I am also an avid Instagram user, with over 350 followers, where I post pictures mostly of books I'm currently reading, books I got for review, galleys, purchased from bookstores, etc. (Statistics as of March 2013). My book reviews are not exactly "reviews" in a sense because I simply just type down what I feel about the book. What I write is solely my opinion and should not be taken as a definite basis of how the book is to be judged entirely. We all have different likes and dislikes so please do understand that although I'm very optimistic about the books I read, there will be negative comments towards those that I don't find suiting for my taste. BLOG URL: http://theblairbookproject.blogspot.com/ GOODREADS ACCOUNT: http://goodreads.com/janusvielle AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/AFAGLA0UYBOMH?ie=UTF8&ref_=ya_56 INSTAGRAM: @janusvielle

Currently reading

Uncommon Criminals
Ally Carter
Dance of Shadows
Yelena Black
Amanda Sun

A Midsummer Night's Dream (Folger Shakespeare Library Series)

A Midsummer Night's Dream (Folger Shakespeare Library Series) - I got a copy of A Midsummer Night’s Dream because it had been quoted, retold or mentioned in several YA books I’ve read, so I got curious. While I was reading through it, I was quizzical about the fact that this was a comedy. The plot seemed tragic for me, especially the short play about Phyramus and Thisbe; I read it from Edith Hamilton’s Mythology so I felt it to be sad and heartbreaking. Anyway, when I got through the part where Lysander and Demetrius chasing each other through the woods, I laughed a little imagining how it would look like on an actual play on stage. I guess it was a comedy after all, knowing Puck’s stupidity or intentional prank towards his tasks and how awful the play of Phyramus and Thisbe turned out to be.I am a bit puzzled with the writing style since the vocabulary is deep but I somehow managed to understand it. When I think of the characters, I wasn’t able to get to know them that well since their roles were simply stated bluntly and not as descriptive as I would like it to be.When I finished reading this, I felt that there should’ve been more to it. It seemed the story was much too simple and that the idea of the tale had so much to offer.For more of my reviews, please visit my blog: The Blair Book Project @ www.theblairbookproject.blogspot.com